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Power Window plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro

Since it’s the Christmas season, I hope you’ll appreciate the new addition to the Creative Impatience toolbox: meet the Power Window filter.

After creating the Vignette plugin, I decided that even though it did most of the things that I wanted it to, there were still some image manipulations which were pretty hard to achieve. For example, a simple operation of lightening the inside of a selected shape, turned out to be pretty problematic to perform in a decent manner.

Therefore, I set out to create a variant of the CI Vignette, which would manipulate directly lift, gamma, gain and saturation values of the pixels inside, and outside of the shape. Most of the code was reused from the Vignette, and the rest was pretty uncomplicated to write. Frankly, I spend most of the time trying to figure out how to circumvent something that I perceive to be a bug in Premiere. But then, this is the life of a software developer. We have to live with what we are given.

Without further ado: Power Window plugin for After Effects and Premiere is up and running. Be sure to visit the download page for the file, read the instructions on how to install it, and if you have problems operating the plugin, take a look at Instructions and Tutorials.

Power Window Interface.

Hopefully some day I will manage to create some decent videocast on how to use these tools. In the meantime, feel free to experiment, and let me know how it goes.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

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3 Responses to Power Window plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro

  1. Don Morris says:

    Your Tools are superb, an enormous help in speeding up work in Premiere Pro.
    Now… I’m looking for a fast Reflection plugin for PP – any chance?

    • BartW says:

      Thanks a lot. The reflection plugin was mentioned before, but right now it’s not in my sights.

  2. aurora says:

    hey Bart,
    have recently discovered your stuff, great…
    am enjoying them, coz they simple…Brava! and thankyou

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