
This plugin allows you to adjust temperature and tint of your footage, similarly to the effect achieved by the similar controls in SpeedGrade.

Premiere Pro version supports 8 and 32 bits (Maximum Bit Depth). In After Effects only 8 and 16 bit depth is supported so far.


CI Temperature is a very simple tool.

Supported software

  • Adobe Premiere Pro, versions CS5, CS5.5, CS6 and CC.
  • Adobe After Effects, versions CS5, CS5.5, CS6 and CC.

Supported OS

  • Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8
  • Mac OS X 10.6.x, 10.7.x, 10.8.x


The plugin comes without an installer. Please unpack the downloaded file and copy it to Adobe’s Media Core folder, so that both applications will see them.

The folder can be found on Windows here:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6\MediaCore\

and on OS X here:

MacHD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/CS6/MediaCore

Substitute CS6 for your current version or 7.0 for Creative Cloud. If you have multiple versions installed, simply copy the plugin to each of the folders.

The plugin will show up as “CI Temperature” under “Creative Impatience” group of effects.

If you keep getting error messages on Windows platform, or the plugin fails to show up, you might need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package, available from the Microsoft website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632.

Download the plugin here.

How to use it?

The plugin should be pretty self-explanatory for all of you impatient types, just apply it and start experimenting.

In case you need detailed instructions and tutorials, look here.

Known issues

None at present. Feel free to report them in the comments.

Road map

Below are the proposed features that could be added to this plugin in the future. If you are interested in further development, please donate. Feel free to propose additional features in the comments. The change log is also available.


  • CUDA/OpenCL acceleration

21 Responses to Temperature

  1. david says:

    You are making the plugins that Adobe should have made years ago. They really make editing faster. Thank you so much, can’t wait for cuda versions!

    • BartW says:

      Thanks, David. CUDA version depends on when Adobe releases samples for CUDA plug-ins – I’m too lazy to attempt to write the code myself 😉 The OpenCL on the other hand is ready.

  2. Pingback: 6 Free Effects for After Effects & Premiere

  3. Just wondering, is there any Windows 32-bit version of the plugin?

  4. Pontus says:

    Can I use the plug-ins in Premiere Elements 12 too? Unfortunately I can not afford the pro version yet

    • BartW says:

      Honestly, I have no idea. You can download the plugins and try them out, although I don’t know where the plugin directory for Elements is located, you’d have to find it on your own. Temperature is a pretty simple plugin, it might work.

  5. Pingback: Colour Correction 3: A Very Useful Plugin | Jedimastersoda

  6. Ivan says:

    I still have some issues with the white values, because they keep greying out whenever I use the it, which I always have to correct back afterwards.
    The light also seems to get a more LED/fluorescent feel to it. I don’t know why that is, but it feels it gets a little duller and less natural.
    That last issue however isn’t consistent over every shot, since on some of them the tool worked as a charm.
    Thank you very much for creating the CI Temperature tool. I wonder why Adobe didn’t implement it themselves in the first place (expect for SpeedGrade, but not for a quick adjustment in After Effects and Premiere), since color temperature is one of the basics of color editing.

    • BartW says:

      Thanks Ivan. There is no magic to the Temperature plugin – it works by affecting gain in each channel (RGB separately), and thus it alters the white point lightness. For example, if you make the image more blue, you will move the white point from let’s say (255,255,255) to (240,255,270), but 270 will be clipped, and the result will be (240,255,255), which will simply reduce the lightness of the white point because of the clipping, at the same time giving it more cyan tint in the highlights instead of blue.

  7. Kip Kubin says:

    Trying to use this plug I but it won’t show up???
    Followed instructions. Copied file to CS6 and 7 media core folders but it just doesn’t show up in Premiere pro cc

    • BartW says:

      Make sure that it’s the correct media core if you’re on the Mac (not ~/Library but /Library), make sure you have the Microsoft patch installed if you are on Windows.

      • Kip Kubin says:

        I’m on a Mac and the files are in the extension listed above … The plug in is just not showing up? Any suggestions? I double checked …HD/Library/App Support….

  8. Eric says:

    Love it!

  9. Kevin says:

    Love this thing! This should be built right into Premiere. Is there any chance of making the scale -100 to 100 or something? I find that I end up using values like 0.05 and while it gets the job done, it shows a value of 0.0 which isn’t too helpful.

  10. Hi and thank you so much for this plugin – I am running CC and can’t seem to see a Plugins folder. I get to MacHD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/ and all I have there is two irrelevant folders for dynamic link related things. No plug-ins folder. I’ve looked around and placed your effect in other placed at the global level (not user level) but no worky. Any ideas? Thanks!

    • BartW says:

      If you don’t have any third-party plugins installed, you might have to create the folder by yourself. But it is the folder where you should put them: MacHD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/

  11. Claude says:

    Thanks great tool! 🙂

  12. msnus says:

    I used this CI_Temperature plugin for a short 3-second part in a 10-minutes roll. Spent around 20 working hours finding that is was the cause of render to fail with ‘Unknown error’.

    It worked perfectly at editing time, but failed on render, both with Premiere 2014 and Media Encoder.

    • BartW says:

      Hi. Apologies for your experience, but for CC 2014 and beyond I recommend using native Lumetri effect which is faster and also has a temperature and tint sliders.

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