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ProRes Encoding on Windows Finally Feasible

For quite some time one of the holy grails of multi-platform support has been the ability of encoding ProRes codecs on Windows. Or the lack thereof. True, there were makeshift solutions based on ffmpeg encoder that required either a knowledge of command line scripting or the use of other open source applications like AnotherGUI. But it was hardly a “plug and play” solution, and you really had to nail the settings right not to get burned about missing timecode, gamma shift, and other problems. And you could only do this for the finished file or attempt to use a hack that served frames to the encoder.

There were some people swearing for the Cinemartin’s Cinec but it also had the same drawbacks of encoding finished files only, while at the same time being a bit pricey. True, much more user friendly and less prone to user error, but still not there. And let’s be honest – between Adobe Media Encoder, MPEG Streamclip, and Handbrake, do you need another encoder? Most likely you don’t.

Enter Miraizon with their DNxHD and ProRes Codec Components which promise the ability to encode ProRes files via standard QuickTime encoder, meaning that you are able to select ProRes as the output codec from any application that encodes QuickTime. Like Premiere Pro, After Effects, or Media Encoder. When I first saw it, I thought: wow, somebody has just made himself a million bucks. And judging by the waiting time for processing order the first day this product was announced, I might be off on the lower end.

Granted, I have not been able to test it myself yet, having some time ago moved to an OS X platform, but a few of my friends are saying, that Adobe toolset seems to work without a glitch with this product. There are issues with Resolve, but supposedly they are going to be fixed pretty soon.

When that happens, the true multi-platform interoperability becomes the reality. I want to congratulate Miraizon on their product, hope that they stay in business, do not get axed by Apple’s licensing claims, and everyone will be finally able to encode ProRes happily everafter.

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22 Responses to ProRes Encoding on Windows Finally Feasible

  1. its awesome!! I support this blog post and can say it works VERY well.

  2. What about Cinemartin’s “Plin” Plugin? It’s a plugin for Adobe Premiere, no need to start with a finished file. It is a bit pricey though…

    • BartW says:

      I have never used it, so I can’t comment. It does look pricey indeed plus it does not use the Media Encoder, you can only use it from Premiere.

  3. Si Wallace says:

    Just bought this morning and from early tests seems EXCELLENT. This is unbelievably useful…

  4. Alex says:

    Cinemartin released Plin, a plugin for Adobe Premiere, instead of limited to prores only as mirazoin, Plin can export to all versions of prores but also to h265 (from the premiere timeline). Cinec is a great standalone software, that provides much more features than convert, it can clip, cut, adjust bright, contrast, gamma, etc ..

    • BartW says:

      Sigh… it also only encodes from Premiere, and not from After Effects/Adobe Media Encoder. I have nothing against Cinemartin personally. It’s great that they released their product. It’s just not as flexible when it comes to ProRes encoding – which is the topic of this blogpost. At present moment I don’t care about H265 encoding at all. When I will, I might change my mind.

  5. Matthew says:

    A ProRes of a different color. Started testing this codec/plugin today and found that while you can write a ProRes QT on a PC, the color is noticeably different than a ProRes made from the same source material on a Mac. So while it technically works, it doesn’t really work.

    • BartW says:

      Interesting. Care to share more info? Footage used, sequence settings? If you export to, say, QuickTime H.264 (not mp4 H.264), is there a similar difference?

  6. I have tested it. And it works fine with Adobe Premiere Pro CC2014, After Effects CC2014 and Media Encoder CC2014, without registering the codecs after the installation.

    You just have to download the installation exe file.
    After the installation, it will ask you to register the codecs. Uncheck the box then finish the setup.

    I think the registration is for the DNxHD codecs.

    Just export in quicktime format and choose one of the different Prores codecs available. (named “Miraizon ProRes…”)

    • I bought the Miraizon prores and it produced terrible results. Serious macroblocking errors that were so bad I contacted support who told me they were working on a new version that would solve the problem. I waited for a number of weeks thinking they would fix the problem. They contacted me telling me I had to purchase the v2 version to solve the problem. Granted they offered me a percentage off the price, however I asked for a refund. They wasted my time so I recommend you stay clear of these guys. Bad code, bad support, bad business practice.

  7. Ali says:

    Just be aware that if you are coming to Windows from mac, this is not the solution you’re looking for. If you’re trying to work with “real” prores clips (created on mac) in a Windows environment, then in my experience Miraizon is useless. “Real” prores files cannot be imported into Premiere CC: “Importer encountered a generic error.” They say their program is compatible with Premiere, but only if you’re encoding with Miraizon maybe? If you are sharing a project with other editors who work on mac, this will be a dealbreaker. I am trying to open up a legacy project from mac on a PC and I can’t. Stay away.

    • BartW says:

      Are you saying that you’re not able to import ProRes files on Windows to Premiere, or that you can’t import Miraizon-encoded ProRes files? If it’s the former, then for Premiere CS6 and earlier you must have the latest QuickTime installed. For Premiere CC the import should be native. I never had any issues with importing ProRes files on Windows at all.

      That said, Miraizon was bought, and a few people voiced their opinions about the low quality of encodes with it. A shame, let’s put it this way. Also, quite a lot of other software packages already does have ProRes encoding on Windows (Scratch, Baselight, etc.). Perhaps Adobe can’t afford Apple’s licensing fee, or they can’t reach an agreement. It would be great for most of us if they did, though.

  8. infinitebuzz says:

    There is a new ProRes for Windows quicktime component: It includes prores and a bunch of other codecs/formats like DVHD, AVCi-100, MXF, LXF, GXF, DNG, DPX, RMF and many others. Works with anything QuickTime, Mac or PC! All for 99$

  9. MVW says:

    I tried to buy Miraizon but they have shut down their sales and support of this product. I’m desperately trying to get a pro res plug in for my adobe media encoder cc. Any idea where I can get this now?

  10. Paul Fairchild says:

    Be very wary dealing with the company (Cinemartin) behind this plugin. We purchased (circa $600 USD) their ProRes plugin for Premiere Pro and After Effects. It did not work. We contacted their support team and were told to re-install Windows and all our applications – an endeavor that would take us days! We have never had an application fail to work before. We asked for a refund immediately but our request was refused. We argued our case – the firm stuck to their ‘no refund’ policy. We argued again and they refused to listen. We’re stuck with an expensive plugin (circa $600 USD) that does not work. The experience of dealing with Cinemartin has been a huge headache and costly for us. Would we ever buy from them again? Never.

    • Paul Fairchild says:

      My comments above relate to Cinemartin’s Cinec plugin (ProRes plugin for Premiere Pro and After Effects) – not the other plugins and applications by other parties mentioned in the article.

  11. Neil Wilkes says:

    Does the Drastic Technologies tool work in Premiere CC 2015 on Windows 7 please?

  12. I just need to encode a shortfilm and send it to a festival, ProRess 422 and that’s it, I’m not willing to pa 99usd for a plugin I won’t be using anymore. Help anyone?

  13. Tony Hernandez says:

    Im from Cinemartin, the guys at Paul Fairchild had a pc in too bad state, full of viruses or miss / bad configurations. Our support team said for they to resintall windows, to have an OS in mint conditions for us to prove that our software works as advertised (and as used by hundreds of companies) but they denied to format. You can expect a software to properly work in your O.S. is not in a corrcet state. If customer does not want to follow our support team guidelines we cannot continue providing support.

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