If you are familiar with my recent complaint about the issues with FCP XML export, let me throw two more problems into the mix. They might not be as important as the drop and non-drop frame issue, because no data is lost in the process, and they are fixable, although they might be quite an annoyance.
After fixing the problem with exporting zero-marker duration, we shall find out two things:
- Although subclips are correctly exported to FCP XML, for some reason Premiere creates additional markers in the main clip which span through the whole duration of each subclip…
- …but in each subclip, each marker’s in point is wrongly calculated, and their positions change, often beyond the subclip’s borders.
There’s a clip that has 1 marker in it, and 1 subclip. The subclip starts at a frame 228, and ends at the frame 645 of the main clip. The marker starts at frame 355 and ends at 528. After export, you will get:
- 2 markers on the main clip:
- 355-528
- 228-645
- 2 markers on the subclip:
- 355-300 (sic!)
- 228-417
And what you should get:
- 1 marker on the main clip: 355-528
- 1 marker on the subclip: 127-300
I think you have already figured out, what’s going on – the subclip’s offset is not removed from marker’s in point. As I said – hardly a big problem. Merely an annoyance. But it requires a tool to fix it if you are using certain kind of workflow: the subclip-spanned markers should be removed, the real markers’ in points in subclips recalculated.
Depending how you look at it, the fact that the very same errors are present in FCP XML exports from Prelude, can be either disheartening – because you’d think it’s such a basic functionality that somebody should have had noticed in in the production stage – or encouraging – because if they fix it in Premiere, they will also fix it in Prelude.
On a positive note – I’ve been in contact with Jesse Zibble from Adobe about XML export in general, and I know they have been working on these issues. But judging from the release cycle of previous bug fixes, I don’t think this is going to be amended in the current release.
All of us not using Creative Cloud yet, feel free to express your disappointment now. And if any of you needs a tool to fix these markers, drop me an email.
Just upgraded to High Sierra. FCP sadly greyed out. Anyway to still work with that program? Or is officially done.
Capitola Media LLC
Not on High Sierra. This is the end.